About LASWEL .
LASWEL.com was started by our founder in her bid to help address some of the language and cultural issues faced by young black people living and growing up in diaspora who cannot speak in their parents language of origin though they really and in all honesty desire to do so! The dilemma started unintentionally as between 1960’s and 2000, many of the young people who came from Africa to settle in the western world for economic and other migration reasons struggled with acceptance into the western world and culture.
In their bid to ‘belong’ to the society and see their children ‘belong’ as well, coupled with the need to meet their families’ economic needs, they saw no reason to encourage their children to speak their language as they went about their daily lives just to get a befitting lifestyles for their young ones.
At the same time, some children did not want to speak or associate with their parent’s language and culture at the time in their own pursuit of the need to “belong” (MASLOW’s hierarchy of needs) together with many other issues, made learning their parents first language less important.
But Now...
Things have changed and are still changing!. With the influx of African music on the international scene, coupled with these young people’s acceptance of who they are and their identity as blacks (and very proud to be!), they are not bogged down with the issues of the past, they now desire much more than ever to speak their parents language and imbibe their parents’ cultural heritage as well!.
These and many other reasons necessitated our Chief Executive to start LASWEL.com

The C.E.O.

Adébùnmi Adénìran
Adébùnmi Adéníran is the founder and Chief Executive of LASWEL.com
Adé studied Russian alongside English and Yoruba languages from the University of Lagos. Adé lives in the UK and previously worked in Social Care with people with learning Difficulties and later Older People before she decided to get involved again in language studies which were and still her passion.
Ade is a professional Manager and a member of Chartered Management Institute. She enjoys cooking, reading, walking and gardening as hobbies.
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